Finally, it came. Spring Break. I had a countdown on my phone just waiting, waiting for that bell to ring and send my kiddos to their parents for a whole entire WEEK. Except for the hacking and sniffling and general illness that apparently attacked me once I left the classroom, I was prepared to enjoy spring break. I planned out the weekend with The Boy and left the weekdays free in order to go shopping or do whatever I so chose--back at home, away from North Carolina.
So. The first weekend, The Boy and I just stayed in with my family, watched the new Doctor Who, and celebrated Easter with eating many jellybeans and chocolate.
The next few days I spent trying in vain to find a new pair of brown boots to replace the ones I have worn out in the classroom. Luckily, my mother is talented and a bit of dye REALLY makes them look new! Then on Thursday, The Boy came and took me to a wonderful place I remember from my childhood: The Newseum.
Hadn't been there since it moved and was re-done, so I didn't know quite what to expect. It was still very interesting and exciting, but most of it was kid-oriented and it had me thinking about my classroom and the field trips we take. We saw Suessical the Musical and are heading to a science museum next week, but nothing of the Newseum's magnitude is available where I am in rural NC. I wish I could take them to something like that, or a Smithsonian type museum. Wish.
When we headed back to The Boy's home, something big happened. Something that has prevented me from blogging. The Boy became...The Fiance. He asked me to marry him! Now, it's all very thrilling and exciting and of course, when I returned to the classroom, none of my kids noticed the beautiful ring he picked out on his very own, but I personally enjoy seeing it sparkle--and thinking of him--whenever I'm up at the board or pointing to a book while with my guided reading groups.
Oh--and I celebrated my birthday. Another year older, another year wiser. My kids think I'm 108. I'm looking pretty good for my age, I think! We had brunch with my BEST friend (who I have known since elementary school) and her Boy. Fantastic weekend--very eventful, this the no blog posting. Also, The Fiance bought me jumbo marshmallows. They're amazing :-) Happy Tuesday!
PS. You should check out my best friend's blog:
PS. You should check out my best friend's blog:
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